Child line palm reading can tell you the gender of your future baby, did you know?
According to palmistry, the lines on each person’s palm will reveal their future life. One of the matters that many are interested in is getting a glimpse of their children’s look in the future. In this article, the accurate child line palm reading will show you about your baby gender – whether you give birth to a boy or a girl.
The children line (below the little finger) can also tell how many kids you will have after getting married.
Learn more in the following…
Table of Contents
Where is Your Children Line?

According to the children line palm reading, this line is located above the marriage line and below your pinky. When clenching the hand, you will easily see it clearly – each person can have either one child line or more than that.
Based on the shape and trait of this line, the palmist will make predictions about your future children.
Therefore, the line of the right hand will be the dominant hand for predicting the fate of women, while the left hand will be used to judge the man. If the child line points at the side of the little finger, whether you are a man or a woman, clench your hands tight, and then the children lines will appear.
See also: Discover your condition with the health line
How to determine the children line in male and female?
Tip #1:
The child line can be found on the edge of the little finger. As mentioned right above, if you clench your fist, then you can see horizontal lines with different forms – some are long, some are short, some are faint, and some are deep.
If you want to know how many children will be born, you can check out the number of child line on both hands.
For example, in case you have 3 children lines, you seem to conceive 3 babies. What if the number of lines on the two hands is not the same? Then go with the palm having lesser lines. If your left hand has 5 lines but the right hand has only 2 lines, then you’re likely to get pregnant with 2 kids, and the remaining 3 lines could imply the miscarriage or premature birth.
Tip #2:
For women, if the child line splits in half at the end, there is a higher chance of having twins. A deep and thick line is a sign of conceiving many sons, of course you can also have girls, but the number will be lesser.
If there are lines connecting the children line with the marriage line, it’s a warning that you may struggle with taking care of your babies in the future as they often get sick when they are little.
Meanwhile, if an island appears at the end of the line, you’re likely to facing difficulties when raising your children.
Read more: Marriage line palm
Tip #3:
The child lines at female are also displayed through the number of circles on the wrist.
If the ridges on the wrist form a single circle, no matter how hard you try, you can only bear one child.
If there are 2 or 3 or more circles, then you will have more children.
Children Line Palm Reading: Boy or Girl?
On the edge of the palm (close to the pinky)
If your children lines are long, deep, and clear, it’s the sign that you will give birth to a baby boy. In the meantime, all short, small, and light ridges are the reminder of conceiving a baby girl.
Below the little finger
- Straight, deep, and clear lines: baby boys
- Shallow and faint lines: baby girls
- 2 or 3 lines on the wrist: baby boys
When seeing an O or Y or two interlocking islands at the beginning (or middle or end) of your child line, your ability to have children is impossible. Put it simply, you will hardly have a chance becoming a parent. Even though there is no disease, your children line is not like what you expected. If you have a baby of your own, in the end it’s very difficult to raise them.
In case the children line is connected with the marriage line, you are about to welcome a little angel. But be careful while taking care of children – this is a hard job. With this palm line, your children born often get sick as well.
How about the child line is broken?
This is one of the signals telling you have a hard time conceiving your future children.
Palmistry is an ancient prediction technique to find out and explore the future through palm lines.
The children line not only lets you know how to give birth to a boy or a girl, but also revealing how many children you will have. This article has been compiled to help you have more new experiences and know the development of the child.
How many babies will you have?
Observe on 10 fingers and count the number of semi-circles (the white part on your fingers). If this semi-circle does not appear on the tip of your finger, then surely in this life you won’t get pregnant.
If the thumb does not have that small semi-circle, this person will have some difficulties in giving birth. In case there are two, or three, or more semi-circles, soon you will have a baby.
Final Thoughts
Aside from reading the love line palm, we can also have a child line palm reading. Unexpectedly, just with the interpretation for the palm line, you can gain an intuitive glimpse on your future children’s path.
However, keep in mind that all the predictions are for reference only, and they are not 100% accurate. If you don’t like it, then don’t worry! Children are a special gift from God, so always stay optimistic, be happy and take good care of your health, then happiness will come to you.
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- palm reading child
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