What is palm reading chart and meanings?
It can be said that palm reading is one of the branches of the astrology, where lines and creases on a person’s palm are used to foretell the future figure out the clear and hidden personalities.
Although there is much controversy about the truthfulness and reliability of palm reading, it still manages to attract a lot of people all over the world. Of course, you can find all in a palm reading chart.
In order to help you understand more, we will show what is in the palm reading chart and its explanation?
Table of Contents
Understanding Palm Reading Chart

The main objective of palm reading is to forecast the future and understand the clear and secret traits of a person’s traits through observing lines and creases on his palm.
There is much consideration of the truthfulness and integrity of palm reading, but they still control to lure a large amount of interest from both skeptics and believers. Normally, a palm reader often uses a palm reading chart to give particular predictions.
However, you are able to find out various predictions because there are different schools of palmistry as Chinese, Indian, and Greek palmistry.
So, what is palm reading chart?
In the palmistry world, the chart will be used to help readers explain the relationship between the forms and line in palms. It is relied mainly on the accurate illustrations of the lines found on the right palm of a person. These lines are believed to be the correct influences left by your great experiences on your brain.
The palm’s shape and size, the shape of various lines, moon positions on the nails, the flexibility of the palm, and many other characteristics are learned while outlining the chart of an individual.
The hand that you use a lot will be read first, and then the remaining one will be read. The hand you use more often or the dominant hand is used to decide your future; meanwhile, the non-dominant hand is used to figure out the past or secret qualities. Also, palm readers commonly check the coming traits of the palm for their reading before discussing the chart.
Discover Major Lines in the Palm

In recent days, because of many cultural variations and the palm reader’s exclusive styles, there are some different concepts about the importance of the left and right hand. All in all, the good idea is to observe both hands.
You need to know that your lines are availed to examine your future and traits.
The four major lines that are considered as the heart line, head line, life line and fate line when getting a palm reading guide for free. Keep in mind that each line will represent a different area of life.
1. The Life Line
This line represents our vitality and how our life is going to be. It will begin at the edge of our palm between the forefinger and thumb.
- The deep and long line symbolizes a healthy life.
- A double or triple line can show that there will be lots of the positive forces around us.
- On the other hand, a chained line may be an indicator of some health problems.
- A circle or a donut between the lines tends to point to hospitalization on account of the accident.
The life line is spotted at the bottom of the palm, and it starts from the edge of the palm above the thumb toward the wrist. It mainly symbolizes a person’s life-span, vitality, longevity, and common well-being.
What’s more? If your life line curves completely around the thumb, you’re gifted with the good physical and emotional health. Otherwise, if it is forked downwards, you’re a pessimist and an introvert.
2. The Head Line
This line describes our intelligence, philosophy, attitude, beliefs and approach towards life. It will begin just above the life line, between our index finger and thumb, stretching horizontally across the palm.
- If the line is wavy, then we could have the short attention span, along with an absence of the deep thinking. Don’t worry! This might not affect our intellect.
- If there is a star on our head line, it can be a sign of an important intellectual or even mental achievement.
Next, the head line is settled in the middle of the palm reflecting a person’s intelligence and brainpower. In that sense, the broken head line alludes to the varying interests in various fields rather than the certain one.
The head line is below the heart line, and it often symbolizes the bearer’s general characters. If this line is curvy, the bearer will be famous for his creativeness. With a deep line, he will be a good thinker.
It also mentions your brainpower, communication demeanor, intellectual behavior, learning style, and brain-relating activities.
3. The Heart Line
This line starts underneath the index or the middle finger, and then goes up till the edge of the palm, on the side of the pinky. In general, the stable emotional affairs and the content love life will be reflected by a line beginning below the forefinger.
- A short line can give the impression that we are not interested in romance and other emotions.
- The short and deep line shows that the affectionate part insides us is very stable.
- If the line is curved, we are said to be romantic, pleasant, and full of warmth.
The heart line is located at the top, and it’s read from the edge of the palm below the pinky finger toward the thumb. This line often unravels some secret information about a person’s romance, love, attraction, flirtation, emotional aspects, and sentimental stability.
It is the heart line that determines the level of your life happiness and emotional balance. Located at the top of the palm, the straight heart line indicates the selfish personality. Meanwhile, if the line curves to end below the index finger, it alludes to the adventurous trait. If it bends, you are quite expressive of your feelings.
4. The Fate Line
The fate line is identified from the bottom of the palm, and it’s near the wrist up to the middle of the palm. One special thing is that not all of people have this line on their hands. So, don’t worry if you don’t see this line on your palms.
The fate line often represents a person’s life road and how his/her fortune will be affected by the uncontrollable situations.
This line begins at the bottom of the palm and runs upwards through the center of the palm. It mainly talks about how much fate will influence the bearer’s life.
Spiritually, those who own the deep and clear lines tend to live in the fullest life with few or no regrets. On the other hand, the ones with light lines are likely to suffer lots of depression.
In addition to palm lines, the palm reading chart is also involved in the mounts and hands’ shapes. Anyway, bearing in mind that the ancient art is not performed with 100% accuracy in all facets! Hence, be watchful against the old tricks with big promises and sugarcoated words!
Talking to Palm Reader New Orleans…

- Do you want to have your palms read by a talented and experienced palm reader?
- Do you want to get a reading just for fun or hope to receive supportive advice?
- If you used to get one, what’s your feeling?
- Why don’t you try a palm reading New Orleans to meet professional palmists and ask them for assistance?
Thanks to the huge development of the Internet, everything seems easy for us to find the best palm readers in New Orleans.
All that you just do is to type this phrase on some search engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc. Then you will see a list of top-rated websites. Next, try to pick up a site and consult its reliability through feedbacks and ratings from the previous clients.
Whenever finding a trustworthy site, please access it and check out a list of available palm readers.
Truly, there are about 34 palm readers in New Orleans, and you can contact them any form such as chatting, calling, or sending an email. Nevertheless, you need to search for the palm reader’s ability through seeing some comments, feedback, or ratings. After getting everything clearly, it’s time to get in touch with them and ask anything related to your own palm.
A brief look at Palmar Chart
Hit the FREE button of online palm readings to get curiosity relieved for no cost at all.
There is nothing negative to seek spiritual help from the genuine palmists who skillfully read the lines on your palms to unveil the secrets of natures and fortune. In most cases, the experienced palmists are likely to work with the Palmar Chart – the competent tool to locate the lines exactly and interpret them insightfully.
What is the Palmar Chart?
As a vital tool of palmists, it is generally regarded as the map of palm lines. Hence, the art of reading the chart sounds like interpreting a person’s life patterns based on the lines on his own palm.
Informatively, both right hand and left hand should be taken into account for the most accurate palm reading. According to the palmists, the dominant hand (the one used most) should be read first, however.
Therefore, the very first question that the palmists ask you is “What is your dominant hand?”
If you are a right-handed person, your right hand will be read first and vice versa.
What the palm reading chart offers?
As you know, all the lines and mounts in a palm will be shown in the palm reading chart. Commonly, the palm reader will observe the four main lines in the palm as the heart, head, life, and fate lines when getting a free palm reading guide. Remember that each line will symbolize a different aspect of life.
The crookedness, the nature of the line, and the curve are supposed to identify how an individual’s life is going to turn out.
Except for interpreting the four major lines, the palm reading chart also introduces six kinds of mounts as Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Luna, Apollo, and Mercury. These mounts are depending on the position of the finger, and they denote something about the bearer.
For instance, having a mount below the thumb will be called the mount of Venus. This mount mainly symbolizes creativeness and beauty. In case that the mount is found below the index finger, this bearer will be a true leader and have a high responsibility.
The Bottom Line
Ponder on what palm reading chart and meanings describe and how they affect our lives?
In fact, the answers to this puzzle can be found in palmistry, chiromancy, also referred to palm reading. Generally, palmistry is known as the art of foreseeing the future or the course of a person’s life through analyzing the lines on his palm. This interesting practice has been going around for centuries, and every civilization and culture has seemed to embrace this art.
Hope the topic here can help you understand this ancient method better!
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