Hands are the most important part on our bodies because we use them for most times.
But, have you ever wondered what else your hands can do?
One interesting thing is that your palm lines, your hand’s shape, or your size, each part brings a special meaning that can disclose yourself. Palmistry (also called hand analysis or chiromancy) has been around for a long time.
It’s known as the art of fortune telling via studying the palm.
What are palm lines what they mean? Do you feel curious?
In today’s article, we’re going to inform you major lines on your palm so that you can have a quick glance about the palmistry.
Table of Contents
A Guide of Lines in Palm and Their Meanings

Palm reading, or also known as palmistry or chiromancy, is indeed an ancient art of interpreting others’ hands or palms to categorize them, based on their shapes, lengths, positions, etc.
Through studying the lines in palm, palmists will be intuitive enough to unfold a lot of hidden facts about the querents, and then foresee their potential growth on the whole. As soon as the hands are interpreted, practitioners shall keep their focused eyes on the types of palms, thumbs, fingers, and many visible lines, i.e. head line, life line, fate line, heart line, and so on.
Therefore, if we are really absorbed in the palm lines & their meanings, it’s advised to take part in palmistry-related zones now!
What your palm lines say about you?
There are four major lines on each person’s palm; in addition, choosing the dominant hand is quite significant because it represents the bearer’s past and present life. Meanwhile, the less dominant hand will mention the bearer’s life ahead.
1. The head line
The head line basically manages our beliefs, intelligence, and mentality. It also often shares the start point with the life line or even be a little higher than the life line, between the thumb and index finger then spans over half of our palm.
The head line represents mentality and intellect like learning style, communication style, etc. This line is the second most important line as it deals with your philosophy, your beliefs, your attitude, and your approach style to life.
This line begins from the Jupiter’s Mount. In most cases, both the head line and life line have their origin from the similar place. If having the long, deep, and distinct line, the bearer will own a sharp and intelligent mind. In case that this line is faint, indistinct, and even has some broken lines, the bearer might be weak-minded.
2. The life line
The life line shows general well-being, physical health, and major life changes of a person. This line is the most important line on your hand: it’s the basic line which’s easy to recognize and can help determining where the other lines are.
The life line stands for our health and vitality. Some ones also say that the longer it is, the longer our life will be. However, it’s not totally true. In fact, there are lots of members who have a short life line, but they still live for more than 70 years. Thus, this line simply represents the quality of our life, not the length.
This life is also called as the paternal line or age line, and it plays a very important role in a palm. Everything in your life will be shown in the life line. It often starts from under the Jupiter’s Mount, near the index finger and the thumb around the Venus’s Mount, and then stops at the bracelets. Through observing this line, you are able to determine a person’s age, health, sickness, etc.
3. The fate line
The fate line is depicted as one of the most vital lines in our palm although not all of people own this special line. In case the line has many changes or breaks of direction, it can reveal that we’re prone to different changes in life from the conditions we find it hard to control well. Plus, if the line starts joining to the life line, then we’re reported to be self-made individuals. Often, we shall know early just what our life aspirations are.
This line is not as apparent and clear as the others. It might begin from different places, but often stops only at the Saturn’s Mount. It’s claimed that this line could be found in only 50% people around the world.
The fate line reveals how much of your life is affected by circumstances beyond your control. It goes hand-in-hand with the life line to show the future.
4. The heart line
As also one of the major lines in our hand, the heart line often manages our emotions and events related to love and relationship. On a regular basis, the deeper our Heart line is, the warmer our devotions may be. In case that it begins under the index finger, then it’ll mean that our love life tends to be content and normal!
This line starts from under the Mercury’s Mount that divides the areas of Mercury and Harshala, and then approaches under the index finger and the Jupiter’s Mount. You should know that the heart line will be directly connected to your heart. Trust it or not, this line can not present in robbers or cruel people. Thus, if this line is weak, the bearer might be heartless or cruel.
Put it simply, this line is the horizontal line above the head line – starting beneath either the index finder or middle finger and extends across to the edge of the palm on the side of the pinky finger.
The heart line indicates your emotional stability and romantic relationships. In general, the stronger and deeper the line is, the stronger and warmer your devotions are.
Learn more about the broken heart line in palmistry!
5. The marriage line
This is not the major line as other lines above, but it can give you insight into your marriage life in the future. In palm reading, this line indicates romance while the strong one can denote a happy marriage. As a result, the lower the marriage line is, the later wedlock can be. Furthermore, the number of strong lines may imply how many marriages we may have in the future.
Learn more about the marriage line here!
Palm reading has been around for thousands of years, and it’s considered as an art of predicting the future via studying palm lines. However, it can also guide us lots of things about our characters. One certain thing is that all the lines on your palm seem to be very helpful to discover your future, health, traits, and so forth.
How to Read Your Own Palm Lines in 5 Minutes?

4 simple tips to analyze your palm
Here, we offer a guide to palm reading with only…five minutes, and you’re able to answer a series of your questions by understanding the lines in your hand.
Get ready to have a personalized reading for your palm?
Simple, easy, and fun than it looks; so, check it out!
In looking at your palm lines on both left and right hands, you’ll recognize that the lines are different for some reasons. While the right hand indicates the practical or active side of your personality, the left hand represents the emotions of your personality.
Some people who have experience in palmistry field suggest that women should read their left hand and men should read their right hand – that hand is called the ‘dominant hand’. Interestingly, it’s not a bad idea at all to take a look at both hands.
#1 Tip:
Start with your head line that is lying above the life line and between the thumb and your index finger. It usually spans across the palm. Head line is under the heart line and it symbolizes the human mind, creativeness and intelligence:
- If you have a wavy head line, it means you own a short attention and have a tendency to get trouble quite easily.
- In case that you head line is long; it’s believed that you are a focused and clear thinker.
- If your line is short, you love attaining physical accomplishments more.
#2 Tip:
As it comes to the life line, it’s located right between the index finger and your thumb, and going across the center of the palm as well as wrapping around the thumb’s bottom. Life line begins at the edge of the palm above the thumb and curves towards the wrist. It mainly symbolizes the well-being:
- If you have a short and shallow life line, it’s supposed that your life is changed by the others.
- If the line is close to the thumb, you have a tendency to receive a low energy.
- In case that you have a long and clear line, it means you have an inner vitality and strength.
#3 Tip:
Fate line starts at the base of the palm and it symbolizes the destiny of a person in life:
- If you have a deep fate line, it’s certain that your life will be controlled by fate.
- If there is a break on this line, you might face up to many changes from external sources.
- If this line begins at the base of the thumb, you will have a powerful relationship with friends and family.
#4 Tip:
For the heart line, it’s actually another horizontal one lying above the head line, and often starting beneath your index finger or middle one. We can see it extending across the palm’s edge on one side of the little finger. Heart line is at the top of the palm and it symbolizes attraction and love, sentimental living, and matters about the heart:
- If your heart line begins between your middle and index fingers, it means you might fall in love with ease.
- If your heart line begins under your index finger, you’re pleased in your love life.
- If you have a long heart line, you can show your romantic and sentimental feelings easily.
- In case that you have a short line, you often pay attention to the others than the romance.
When it comes to interpret the meaning of palm lines, there are, of course, many variations and techniques that you can use. However, with the beginners, it’s much better to get acquainted with the 4 major palm lines above first.
Things you should prepare…
The first ever thing for you to do here is to pick up one hand of yours, but notice that it won’t be just any hand. This should be done carefully and properly for more insights into your own life, and guess what? It needs to be your dominant hand that should be focused on this time.
By doing so, you’ll know how you could present yourself to the world as well as the people surrounding you. When it’s about your own personal relationships, targets, dreams, and other emotional aspects, simply have a look at the other hand.
Next, when you find yourself having some troubles with the palm lines, then be sure to cup one hand gently under one bright lamp. At least remember that one less dominant line can be indicative of one specific area of a person’s life following most of the hand analysts.
Making up the lines should be done that way so that you can easily see every line in its refined form.
Palm line reading’s main objective here is to assess the main traits of a person and a future he or she will hold. It’s also a fun way to spend time impressing your friends when being able to offer them a lot of great insights by only holding their hands.
In Conclusion
Are you curious to know what your palm says about you?
There’s a belief transmitted orally for centuries that a person’s palm can reveal all the aspects of life, such as career, relationships, health, finances, etc. Success, happiness, or depression – everything displays particularly through the lines on our hands.
However, not many people can interpret their palm lines. This is why we’re here to help you understand your palm lines and what they mean; within minutes, you can find out the hidden mysteries from those lines.
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- palm reading lines meaning right hand
- palm lines meaning
- palm lines
- meaning hand lines
- lines on palm meaning
- lines in your palm
- lines in hand
- interpretation of palm lines
- guide to palm lines
- what lines on palm mean
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