Is it possible for you to read and study your own palm?
The main objective of palm reading is evaluating a person’s character or future by analyzing the palm lines on their hand. With just precise practices, you can gain insights when glimpsing at the hand even though you’re not an aspiring palm reader.
Now, together with us, let’s find out how to read your palm step by step.
Where, when you will meet your unique soulmate, what will bring live, palm reading chart will tell you..!
Table of Contents
A General Guide on How to Read a Palm

Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, is practiced all over the world. No one knows exactly where its roots; however, it’s believed to be used in Indian astrology as well as Roma fortune-telling. In fact, palmistry or palm reading has widely grown over the years as a cool and interesting passageway to the unknown and undiscovered events.
Wondering what the lines and wrinkles on your palm say about you?
Based mainly on the length, shape, and other specialized traits of lines on the palm, the art of palmistry tends to be subjective. These features carry a lot of valuable about your life aspects, such as health, career, love, future, etc. By studying both major and minor lines on the palms, you’ll get the hint for what is waiting you ahead.
What discoveries are waiting for you?
Below are a few simple steps for reading your palm that can help carrying the reading process with ease:
- Choose your dominant hand to start reading.
- Identify the four major lines: the heart line, the head line, the life line, and the fate line.
- Interpret all the lines carefully since each indicates a certain aspect of one.
- Determine the hand shapes; each hand shape is associated with specific character traits, and there are four types of hand shapes: Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.
- Look at the mounts: Venus mount (under the thumb), Jupiter mount (under the index finger), Saturn mount (under the middle finger), Sun mount (under the ring finger), and Mercury mount (under the pinky finger).
- Examine the hand and finger size; they are relative to the size of the body.
Which hand does the palmist read the most?
The answer is both left and right hand, but for different reasons; while the dominant hand indicates the active development of character and events as well as the visible outcomes of all the actions you’ve taken, the passive hand represents the underlying currents and potentials of the situations, and also the inner influences affecting to your personal life.
General speaking, both hands need to be read together to attain the best results.
If you’re completely left-handed, your left hand will be the dominant hand, and vice versa. In case you remain left-handed but still write with your right hand, you must get a mixed reading with defined outcomes surfacing from both hands.
What do palm lines mean?
The lines on your palm are used to determine an individual’s future and personality traits. Aside from the major lines, many small lines often form part of a larger meaning, instead of analyzing every single line.
According to palm reading chart, each person will have four major lines that are used to figure out the personality traits and future of an individual.
They consist of Heart line, Head line, Life line and Fate line.
1. The Heart line:
This line tends to run clear across the palm. However, for some individuals, the Heart line can start off the palm near the thumb, and then continue towards the pinky while others can own the much shorter line.
What does the heart line say about?
It is often representative of emotion, instead of simple relationships.
You should know that your love road and stable sentimental affairs will be reflected by this line. If you have a deep and long line, it means that you are quite loyal, romantic and warm.
2. The Head line:
The line is apt to be on the side of the palm between the index finger and thumb, and then horizontally spans across our palm. It generally can connect to other lines, i.e. the life line, and represents what is going on in our head. Don’t forget that the head line also unveils our mind and the way how it works.
This line reveals your intellect. Additionally, it discloses some information about your attitude, lifestyle, belief and philosophy. If your heart line bends downwards, it means that you have a sensitive personality and have a tendency towards fantasy and literature.
3. The Life line:
It often arches around the thumb in some manners and shapes. Although the life line is often used to reflect quality of life, it’s a big mistake of thinking that it can show the one’s length life, remember!
This line describes how your life will be in the future and how long you are going to live. Besides, it reveals your vitality. If your Life line bends totally around your thumb, it means that you have a good physical and mental health.
4. The Fate line:
Running perpendicular up our palm, the fate line usually begins from the middle base. In fact, it unfolds the effect of destiny on our life. While deep lines indicate those with a strong dependence on their fates; broken lines often show someone who shall enjoy many sudden experiences.
This line is used to unravel influences of some external elements that are taking place in your life. Meanwhile, the number of breaks in this line mentions that there will be some changes in your life.
A network of many fine lines shows a refined and sensitive nature, a gentle and congenial approach to others, and a generally weaker constitution than shown with strong-lined patterns, also, many broken line markings indicate a life filled with many obstacles and dramas.
Pay attention to the shape of your palm…
There are four main hand shapes that you should know:
- Earth hand has broad square palms and fingers with rough skin.
- Air hand has long fingers with rectangular or square hand and dry skin.
- Water hand has a short oval-shaped palm with flexible, conical and long fingers.
- Fire hand has rectangular or square palms with flushed or pink skin.
1. Earth hands
People who own the Earth hands will have the square palms and fingers. In general, the length of the fingers will be the same as the length of the palm.
How about their characters?
It is said that they are calm, sensible and practical. They would rather discover the new things in life by venturing outside or aboard than learn the knowledge in their classes. They are sometimes stubborn.
2. Air hands
The Air hands will be indicated by the long fingers, rectangular palms and protruding knuckles.
People who possess these hands are often intelligent, inquisitive and creative. They are full of energies but sometimes get stressed easily. Although they are the prominent communicators in work, their relationships are not as smooth as their works.
3. Water hands
Water hands are realized by the flexible and long fingers and the oval and short palms. People who have the Water hands are often sensitive and emotional. It is not much easy for them to deal with the anxieties because they are controlled by the feelings.
Balancing in life is one of their goals.
4. Fire hands
The shorter fingers and rectangular/square palms will be some prominence of the Fire hands. People with the Fire hands will be vigorous people. It is hard if you force them to stay at home in a long time. They are not patient and tolerant from time to time, but they will be some remarkable leaders in the future.
Reading your own palm can help predict your future.
Chiromancy or palm reading is known as an art of forecasting some possible events in the future through the study of some lines on someone’s palm. In truth, this method has been occurred over the years, and it is utilized by many sacred capabilities.
Until now, it has been still a common form used by many people. I bet that a lot of people on the globe are a little bit intrigued to know what the lines on their palms tell.
Nowadays, instead of spending time on visiting fortune tellers or psychics, just come to the bookstore or search on the Internet, everyone can read their palms by themselves.
Quick Tips to Read Your Palm with Astroyogi

In palmistry reading, the first step we should perform is to obtain an overall idea of our hand by attempting to take a look at something new. Is our general hand shaped as a shovel or a square? Are the fingers stubby or lengthy? Is our skin soft? Or can there be rough patches?
Follow the steps below to help Astroyogi read your hand:
- Type your name in the textbox above.
- Astroyogi will first examine your hand type, then your finger type, thumb type, life line, heart line and fate line to find out what the lines on your hand mean and hold for you in the future.
- On each page, you will find a series of images. Compare your hand with each of the images shown and decide on the one that best matches your hand. Click on the radio button below the image.
- Press on the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the page to go to the next page.
- Once you have made a selection in each of these categories, click on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the “fate line” page to get the result.
Basically, the whole palm will be classified into 1 of 4 hand shapes: square, pointed, mixed, or cone shaped. Several palm-reading websites and guides also refer to hand shapes as elements by calling them air, earth, water, and fire (which we already explained above).
Whichever system we love, bear in mind that analyzing the shape of the hand seems to be a wonderful jumping-off place when it comes to palmistry.
In Conclusion
So, how to read your palm?
As you know, astrology is used to show predictions about an individual’s personality trait relied on the position of the stars and the planet’s movements. Meanwhile, palm reading will show a detailed view on some lines on a person’s palm, including curves, lines and creases in order to unravel some events that can occur in his future and help him look at his characteristics clearly.
With the tutorial in this article, I hope you will understand palm reading chart better and know how to read your palm accurately.
Have any question regarding this topic?
In fact, none of the steps above is based on science, and your hands are known to change throughout time, so don’t take everything so serious.
- palm reading guide
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